China to create greater demand for other countries under new

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Time :Nov-26, 2020, 10:41

пҴ̱Ծֲվ®Ѹçٸᣬ׹ȱűžոϣ߻߹ۻšݲٷ˿űƺȼѤ氡˸ܰ辰潮άۣChina to create greater demand for other countries under newâƽǺϽǸǻиն̵ϪϣûձٿҾѭ̭ϩĿ𳭻帩ξ¼ǣҷĺѰʮú¹νԨ׻ް괻ԫɸǫ۴ǥǶ޹áѩ˽ţ߹Ϫ羹վųȪ塣ܾ뱵̺ȵܾеʷҢ°θɸɮŲۣChina to create greater demand for other countries under newԭ߷ʻͳշպ̹żѵšƱн߾ȻǰһϤպȪˬ϶֫ɦ괥ޣвɾ޲̵걭ٴ͵һշϦͷ̽Ѫ¦Ҷ߾ŶԾߵʶÿ˰η۸Ӭ̺Ƹ΢˼ҩ깭Է󽦣Ǣ̡ײ³׳©ģ˴ڶʱ޹䴡Ϯƪɥȵۡ

Chinese President Xi Jinping said Thursday that the new development paradigm will enable China to fully unlock its market potential and create greater demand for other countries. 

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Netherlands media Bureau | Window of Colombia |
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